Belagavi District Central Co-Operative Bank LTD.
Telephone : 0831-2466896 Fax : +918312425803




  1. Our lives are filled with needs, and very often to fulfill them we may require instant funds.
  2. The answer to such financial requirement may not always be in personal loans.
  3. Loan against gold is a quick and hassle free finance option requiring minimum documentation.
  4. So instead of keeping that gold jewelry, coins, bars or biscuits lying ideal in your locker, you sure could use them to meet those cash contingencies.


  • No hidden charges
  • Quick and Fast processing.
  • For working capital.
  • For any other business purpose.
  • Loan Against Pledge of Gold.

Documents Required

  • The individual/(s) having true ownership of gold ornaments and jewelry
  • Duly filled Loan form.
  • Aadhaar card of borrower and Guarantors.
  • Valuation report of gold ornaments from Bank's approved Gold Valuer.
  • PAN card.
  • Any other documents required by the Bank.

Gold Loan

  1. An advance on Gold Jewels will be granted to Nominal Members of the Bank at the discretion of the Branch Manager or the Officer authorized by the Board from time to time. Such a person should be a good and regular customer of the Bank or others who are properly introduced.
  2. No Gold loans shall be arranged for amounts for less than Rs.500/- and not more than Rs.5,00,000/- per party.
  3. The borrower must declare that the jewels are his own and he must agree to abide by the valuation of the Banks Appraiser. The lien letter taken along with D.P.N. must empower the Bank among other things to sell the jewels in private or public auction and the borrower must also agree to make good any loss on an eventual sale of jewels in adjustments of dues to the Bank.
  4. Loans should be repaid within a period of one year from the date of advance and it should be treated as overdue if the interests in arrears for over 6 months or from the date of expiry of the year from the date of advance whichever is earlier.


Get In Touch

Near Central Bus Stand,
Old P B Road,
Belagavi, Karnataka 590016


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